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Empleos de osram s.a. de c.v.

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Job Post Details

Senior Supply Chain Analyst, Staff Specialist, SC [IDL] Logistics

OSRAM S.A. de C.V.
3.8 de 5 estrellas
Naucalpan, Méx.
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Información del empleo

Tipo de empleo

  • Tiempo completo


Naucalpan, Méx.

Descripción completa del empleo

Central Functions support the board as well as the business in achieving its strategic objectives. These are, for example, Information Technology, Human Resources, Logistics, Compliance, Finance and many more.

Demand Planning and Forecasting:

  • Supporting the management of product releases, sales forecasts, and safety stock levels.
  • Assisting with data input into planning systems (Excel, PDF, EDI).
  • Order Fulfillment and Backorder Management:
  • Supporting the analysis of backorders and make-to-order requests.
  • Monitoring order status and estimated time of arrivals (ETAs) in coordination with customer service and key account managers.
  • Assisting with the analysis of sales data by channel, material, and family.
  • Supporting the analysis of demand by material and developing replenishment plans.
  • Assisting with the placement of stock transfers and purchase orders.
  • Analyzing backorders versus inventory levels.
  • Supporting the analysis and updating of MRP parameters.
  • Involvement in product transitions, phase-outs, and new product launches.
  • Cleaning up goods receipt/invoice reconciliation and open purchase orders.
  • Creating and maintaining performance reports and KPIs.
  • Purchasing


  • Obtaining quotes from suppliers for indirect materials and services.
  • Conducting price comparisons.
  • Purchasing:
  • Creating and managing purchase orders.
  • Monitoring supplier performance.
  • Requesting changes and additions to supplier information.
  • Monitoring recurring purchases.
  • Providing monthly provisions for unbilled expenses.
  • Following up on maintenance related to environment, health, and safety.
  • Supporting the creation and monitoring of operational maintenance tasks.
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