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Job Post Details

Associate Theft Investigator - job post

Home Office (Desde casa)
Tiempo completo

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  • Tiempo completo

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About The Company

Panoptyc uses ( AI and manual review to detect theft at over 15,000 markets in the US. We serve Fortune 500 companies and SMBs alike. Our fully remote team has grown rapidly and we're looking to expand our team with top talent from around the world.

What We're Looking For

Associate Theft Investigator

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Video investigation and analysis of theft in self-service stores.

  • Analyze and classify videos and interpret what is happening in specified video feeds.

  • General administrative tasks including but not limited to emailing and internal communication, management of theft board, fulfillment of orders, customer support, and other operational tasks.

Job Details

  • Flexible working schedule

  • Amenable to start immediately

Training Schedule

  • 3 Days Training

  • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM US Eastern Time (with 1 hour unpaid break)


  • Pay-Per-Catch Payment Scheme

  • $2.50 USD for each valid incident identified

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